3D Product Configurator – Simplio3D Takes Ecommerce to Another Level

Product Configurator

Create 3D product configurators without code in minutes using intuitive tools available in the platform.

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Product Configurator

How easy is to build a product configurator?

Simplio3D uses a unique architecture, allowing anyone to easily build a product configurator. The platform shares one main logic when creating a configurator and that is the block logic. Each block has attributes that allow users to intuitively build the 3D configurator without the need to code, saving money and development time.


Allow your users to select options from a dropdown list

Add a set of color options by selecting only the material category

Users will be able to click on options with thumbnail images

Ability for users to switch between 2 options

This tool will allow users to change size or/and quantity

Select additional options or accessories using the checkboxes

Organize your options into section areas within the layout

Allow users to upload their graphics to the product

Allow users to add text engraving on the 3D product

Users click the left and right arrows to select options

Setting default or permanent materials on a 3D model

When creating a product configurator, users can select from 8 layout templates and further customize it when using the tool blocks above.


Price product variants and reflect dynamically in the total cost

Price combination between 2 variants, for example width and height

Variables for options, taxes, labor, markup and more

The platform uses a price formula field where you can build your own formula using the price blocks above.


First name, middle name and last name

Description or message field

Type an email address(es)

Type a phone number(s)

GDPR/CCPA or privacy acceptance

Customize the submit/order button

Users can build their own product configurator contact form using the add form blocks above.




Empowering Sales with Seamless Customization and Real-Time Integration

Simplio3D CPQ Software with integrations and API streamlines sales by automating pricing and quoting, seamlessly connecting with e-commerce and ERP systems.

It enhances customer experiences with 3D customization and real-time data syncing, boosting efficiency and driving business growth.

Simplio3D CPQ Software: Empowering Sales with Seamless Customization and Real-Time Integration

Simplio3D CPQ Software with integrations and API streamlines sales by automating pricing and quoting, seamlessly connecting with e-commerce and ERP systems.

It enhances customer experiences with 3D customization and real-time data syncing, boosting efficiency and driving business growth.


Start boosting your sales

Own a 3D product configurator to drive sales and generate proposals directly from your website.